Spider site and make a goodle search engine usable sitemap<title> <h1>Spider site for sitemap:</h1> <h2>Make and edit a goodle search engine usable sitemap</h2> <form name=a action =run.php method=get> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1 WIDTH="100%"> <TR > <TD> Root </TD> <TD> <input type=text name=root value ="http://a.com/d/Sel2In/prjs/php2/sitemap1/sites/a/" size=100 cols=100><br> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD><br><br>Pages<br><br> </TD> <TD><textarea type=text name=urls size=100 cols=100 rows=6>http://a.com/d/Sel2In/prjs/php2/sitemap1/sites/a/p1.html </textarea><br> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD>Include same page different query </TD> <TD><input type=checkbox name=incQ></TD> </TR> <TR><TD>Verbose (0 none, 1 some 3 a lot) </TD> <TD><input type=text name=verbose value=1 size=1 ></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <input type=submit> <input type=reset> </form> <br> <a href=http://a.com/d/sel2in/prjs/php2/sitemap1/curr/test/edits.html>http://a.com/d/sel2in/prjs/php2/sitemap1/curr/test/edits.html</a><br> <a href=></a><br> <a href=></a><br> <br> <b>Make site map:</b> <form name=a action =maks.php method=get> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1 WIDTH="100%"> <TR > <TD> Root </TD> <TD> <input type=text name=root value ="http://a.com/d/Sel2In/prjs/php2/sitemap1/sites/a/" size=100 cols=100><br> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD>Verbose (-1 none, 1 some 3 a lot) </TD> <TD><input type=text name=verbose value=1 size=1 ></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <input type=submit> <input type=reset> </form> <br><br> <b>Edit sitemap:</b> <form name=a action =edits.php method=get> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1 WIDTH="100%"> <TR > <TD> Root </TD> <TD> <input type=text name=root value ="http://a.com/d/Sel2In/prjs/php2/sitemap1/sites/a/" size=100 cols=100><br> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD>Records per page </TD> <TD><input type=text name=recsPerPage value ="3" size=2> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD>Include hidden also </TD> <TD><input type=checkbox name=hiddenTo></TD> </TR> <!-- <TR><TD>Include same page different query </TD> <TD><input type=checkbox name=incQ></TD> </TR> --> <TR><TD>Verbose (-1 none, 1 some 6 a lot) </TD> <TD><input type=text name=verbose value=1 size=1 ></TD> </TR> <!-- <TR > <TH></TH> <TH>?</TH> </TR> --> </TABLE> <input type=submit> <input type=reset> </form> <br><br> <h3>Usage</h3> <br> ¥ enter main site, pages that you are aware of, and make the spider search the site <br> ¥ goto the <a href=edits.php>edits</a> page and change frequency etc <br> ¥ Make changes then, click check box Save changes, then press Next or Previous or Goto to commit changes to server database. <br> ¥ After changes are saved, click Make Site Map to get a google usable sitemap that you can use at <a href=http://www.google.com/webmasters/>google webmaster</a> or other search engines that support the same format.